Substance Abuse Prevention, also known as drug abuse prevention, is a process that attempts to prevent the onset of substance use or limit the development of problems associated with using psychoactive's substances. Prevention efforts may focus on the individual or their surroundings.
Biofeedback and other health psychology interventions can assist individuals with the management of a chronic disease, headaches and other types of a chronic pain, healthy eating and exercise, changing health-compromising behaviors, coping with aversive medical and dental procedures, and overall health promotion.
NSU's childhood traumatic stress program provides psychological assessment, evaluation, and therapy to children who are experiencing post-trauma symptoms.
The therapy's primary goal is to help the patient overcome internal resistance to experiencing true feelings about the present and past which have been warded off because they are either too frightening or too painful. The technique is intensive in that it aims to help the patient experience these warded-off feelings to the maximum degree possible; it is short-term in that it tries to achieve this experience as quickly as possible; it is dynamic because it involves working with unconscious forces and transference feelings.[
Most college students encounter academic, personal, and social stress at some point during their educational experience. This is true at The University of Iowa as well as at other universities. Typically, students cope successfully with the demands of college and the experiences that go along with it, but for some students these difficulties can become overwhelming and unmanageable. Friends are often the first point of contact in obtaining advice and support. Your expression of interest and concern could be critical in helping your friend reestablish emotional equilibrium.
Substance Abuse Prevention, also known as drug abuse prevention, is a process that attempts to prevent the onset of substance use or limit the development of problems associated with using psychoactive's substances. Prevention efforts may focus on the individual or their surroundings.
Biofeedback and other health psychology interventions can assist individuals with the management of a chronic disease, headaches and other types of a chronic pain, healthy eating and exercise, changing health-compromising behaviors, coping with aversive medical and dental procedures, and overall health promotion.
NSU's childhood traumatic stress program provides psychological assessment, evaluation, and therapy to children who are experiencing post-trauma symptoms.
The therapy's primary goal is to help the patient overcome internal resistance to experiencing true feelings about the present and past which have been warded off because they are either too frightening or too painful. The technique is intensive in that it aims to help the patient experience these warded-off feelings to the maximum degree possible; it is short-term in that it tries to achieve this experience as quickly as possible; it is dynamic because it involves working with unconscious forces and transference feelings.[
Most college students encounter academic, personal, and social stress at some point during their educational experience. This is true at The University of Iowa as well as at other universities. Typically, students cope successfully with the demands of college and the experiences that go along with it, but for some students these difficulties can become overwhelming and unmanageable. Friends are often the first point of contact in obtaining advice and support. Your expression of interest and concern could be critical in helping your friend reestablish emotional equilibrium.
Wer kämpft, kann verlieren. Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren.
Betrogene Seelen heilen nicht wie gebrochene Knochen
& Schutzimpfungen
Es geht nicht nur um das eigene Kind, sondern um die Gemeinschaft
Es muss nicht alles komplizierter werden.
Gefahren erkennen und frühzeitig behandeln
Um sich auf das eigene Herz zu verlassen, muss es auch gesund sein.
Stress entsteht im Kopf. Entspannung auch.
Tief einatmen und durch.
Ich sehe was was du nicht siehst.
Das tut nur mal kurz weh.
Lorem ipsum amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum stet clita kasd gubergren
Lorem ipsum amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum stet clita kasd gubergren
Lorem ipsum amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum stet clita kasd gubergren